Dr. Yang Xi
Diodes Inc., USA
Dr. Beghdadi Lotfi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tahri Mohammed, Algeria
Dr. Hong Yang
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated First People’s Hospital, China
Dr. Ke Chang
Silicon System Group, Applied Materials, Sunnyvale, USA
Dr. Edward Huaping Xu
Toronto Nanofabrication Centre (TNFC), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Ramzi KHIARI, Associate Professor
ISET Ksar Hellal (Textile Departement) & University Monastir, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Tunisia
Dr. O.L. Shanmugasundaram, Professor
Department of Textile Technology, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, India
Dr. Mohammad Hadi Dehghani, Professor
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
加入程序委员会 演讲申请
截稿日期: 2017年4月10日(延期至2017年6月30日)
会议日期: 2017年7月27-28日
录用通知: 投稿后20-40天
论文出版: 收到最终稿后20-50天
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